Krystal Harrell (along with her husband Tom) is the owner of The Herbal Alternative. She grew up in Jackson County, where she graduated from Seymour High School. As a high school and collegiate athlete, Krystal began to learn about health and fitness. She graduated from Indiana State University with a degree in business and a background in personal fitness and nutrition. In her 30s she battled mystery illnesses and misdiagnoses, and after many months of aggravation she reached out for help from an herbalist. From there she began her personal journey to better health physically, emotionally and spiritually. With the support of her family, she began studying to become a certified family herbalist. In 2016 she and Tom opened The Herbal Alternative with the goal of helping each client become the champion of his or her own life. Krystal is thankful for the support of the community and her customers and thoroughly enjoys helping each one improve their health and happiness.
Certified Family Herbalist
Certified IN.FORM Health Coach
Certified Authentic Oil Specialist
Certified Professional CBD Coach