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INFORM Health and Weight Management


Updated: Jul 30, 2022

Well, we have another year under our belts (literally). The New Year Ball dropped signaling in 2020 and many of us made resolutions for the New Year. In many years past, I would always put a new DIET and weightloss at the top of my list. Each year seemed to have the same intentions...the intention to make this the year of success when it came to my weight. My problem was that I was not making the necessary lifestyle changes to be successful! I finally found a program that went to the core of my health and worked from the inside out...IN.FORM. Here is what the IN.FORM plan is all about:

Unlike any other program on the market, and with the clinical proof to back it up, the IN.FORM program utilizes the untapped power of the microbiome to support healthy metabolic function. Not only will you learn healthy habits for lifelong success but you will have the expert and group support of fellow participants to walk with you every step of the way. And best of all, you can track your progress along the way with our BioTracker, which measures key biomarkers such as weight, body fat, hydration levels, lean muscle mass, bone mass and your metabolic age. Your Metabolic age is the age associated with how effectively your metabolism is functioning. It should be similar to your biological age or ideally, lower.

IN.FORM is a proprietary, clinically-studied program that combines positive lifestyle changes with cutting-edge supplements and education. By supporting a healthy gut microbiome, the IN.FORM program offers a path to healthy metabolic age and function by supporting healthy body composition, weight management, and cardiovascular function all in one easy-to-follow program.

I really like how this plan is sturctured and that it looks at the whole picture of a persons health. And, I am on the program just like the rest of my program participants.

I'd like to invite you to join us for a FREE CLASS!! Classes are Monday evenings at 6:00 pm. If you decide to join the 9 week session, the fees are extremely reasonable, $99 for first timers and $49 for returning participants. If your interested in joining the program or have more questions, please give us a call at 812-271-1850, shoot us an email at:, or stop by 2015 N Ewing St,. in Seymour. We are open Monday - Friday 10a - 6p and Saturday 10a - 2p or better yet... stop in on a Monday @ 6p for a FREE CLASS!

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